Human beings are blessed with a significant characteristic of intelligence which helps them to develop new ideas and creativity. These ideas lead to innovations in various fields like literature, art, science, technology and many more. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) helps the creator to safeguard his work from being misused. India also supports IPR framework and has enforced it in their legal structure. IPR also play an important role in the economic activities of a nation. IPR lead to improved focus on Research and Development, encouragement towards higher education and generation of employment opportunities. This papers attempts to understand the effectiveness of IPR on economic activities of the country.
Keshava, SR and Gupta, Richa, A Study on Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Development in India (January 2, 2019) in Intellectual Property Rights – Issues and Challenges (R Komala ed, Jayvee International Publications, GFGC, Malleshwaram, Bangalore, ISBN 978-81-937642-0-6).
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