‘Egg Donation, Commodification, and Coercive Payments’

Kimberly D Krawiec, ‘Gametes: Commodification and The Fertility Industry’, in The Routledge Handbook of Commodification, Vida Panitch and Elodie Bertrand eds, (forthcoming 2024), available at SSRN (22 April 2023). A growing number of couples and individuals use some combination of in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics, egg donors, sperm donors, and gestational surrogates to have children. But these ways of helping the infertile have children have raised moral qualms. Kimberly D Krawiec’s paper, ‘Gametes: Commodification and The Fertility Industry’, offers a concise and persuasive overview of one small part of the debate: moral objections that have been raised to egg donation and payments for egg donation. As Krawiec notes elsewhere, ‘[t]he United States is unusual among most jurisdictions in that it permits a legal market in human eggs’ … (more)

[Brian Bix, JOTWELL, 23 February]

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