Enrico Bonadio and Aislinn O’Connell, Intellectual Property Excesses: Exploring the Boundaries of IP Protection, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2022, 336 pp, hb £81.00, pb £40.49. Hans Christiansen Anderson’s folktale, The Emperor’s New Clothes, provides a timeless example of absurdity. The tale concerns an emperor who is fond of fine clothes. One day, two men posing as weavers come to town. The men offer to make the emperor a suit from the most beautiful material. But there is a catch: the suit will be invisible to the stupid and incompetent. When eventually presented with the ‘suit’, the emperor praises the men for their craftsmanship, although he cannot see anything. Keen to show off his new finery, the emperor parades through the town …
Goold, Patrick Russell, Intellectual Property Absurdism or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love IP (February 16, 2024), Modern Law Review (revised version Forthcoming).
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