Call for Papers: ‘Why is Tort Law Reform So Difficult?’, University of Girona, 27-28 June 2024

The Symposium aims to analyse the reasons why it has been relatively uncomplicated in some countries to adapt tort law to the demands of the times, whereas in others the reform attempts – if any – are still lost in ministerial or academic drawers. In the first decade of the 21st century, a reform of non-contractual liability was carried out in acts and civil codes of the Baltic states and, a decade later, in countries of Central and Eastern Europe, such as in Romania (2011), in the Czech Republic (2012) or in Hungary (2013). Türkiye (2012), closely linked to the Swiss tradition, can also give some insights into the difficulties of codifying non-contractual liability. China (2021) offers a contrasting point of view from cultural and socioeconomic perspectives which are quite remote from European ones … (more)

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