This article arises from a complex family dispute and some difficulty in determining the full facts underpinning the complaint. Information given by the parties grudgingly, partially, and in very poor order, caused the primary judge in the penultimate case considered herein to no doubt reluctantly prefer the daughter’s version of events over that of her father. The primary concern is whether or not the father loaned money to his daughter in the purchase of a house in her own name, giving rise to a concomitant responsibility on her part to repay the said loan, or whether, because of the nature of the arrangement, monies advanced by the father might instead be interpreted consistent with an intention on his part to have a beneficial interest in the property.
David Morrison, Fathers, daughters, and matters of trust, Trusts and Trustees, volume 30, issue 1, February 2024, pages 42-47. Published: 8 November 2023.
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