Peter Yu, ‘War and IP’

This Article examines wartime and postwar protection of intellectual property rights, with a focus on the Russo-Ukrainian War that broke out in February 2022. It begins by showing that armed conflicts are not new to the international intellectual property regime and that this regime already contains robust structural features and carefully drafted safeguards, limitations, and flexibilities to protect intellectual property rights holders during wartime. The Article then explores the international intellectual property obligations of countries that are parties to an armed conflict as well as those that are not directly involved but have imposed sanctions on belligerent states. This Article further outlines the different proactive measures that policymakers can introduce to help protect intellectual property rights holders during and in relation to an armed conflict. This Article concludes by probing the deeper theoretical questions generated by wartime and postwar experiences in relation to innovation theory, intellectual property law, and international law.

Peter K Yu, War and IP, 49 BYU Law Review 823 (2024).

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