Naomi Creutzfeldt, Chris Gill, Marine Cornelis and Rachel McPherson, Access to Justice for Vulnerable and Energy-Poor Consumers: Just Energy?, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2021, 336 pp, hb £85.00, pb £42.99. While many examples of access to justice scholarship centre upon the accessibility of formal systems of law, issues of access to justice are in fact far more fluid. Focusing on the justice to which citizens have access, this book is a prime example of such scholarship that pushes the boundaries of traditional or legalistic notions of access to justice. In this book, the authors present the first empirical investigation into the intersection between access to justice and problems related to energy services. In doing so, the authors reveal new insights into the justice implications that are unfolding within the highly commercialised space of energy markets …
€ (Wiley)
Jess Mant, Review of Naomi Creutzfeldt, Chris Gill, Marine Cornelis and Rachel McPherson, Access to Justice for Vulnerable and Energy-Poor Consumers: Just Energy?, Modern Law Review. First published: 4 February 2024
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