‘Illustrating Rent: Why Is The Tenant Falling?’

Sarah Schindler and Kellen Zale, ‘The Anti-Tenancy Doctrine’, 171 University of Pennsylvania Law Review (forthcoming 2023), available at SSRN. In their forthcoming article, ‘The Anti-Tenancy Doctrine’, Sarah Schindler and Kellen Zale proclaim, ‘The law has failed tenants’. The authors then provide solid evidence of that failure and identify a concept they call the Anti-Tenancy Doctrine. On Sundays, I treat myself to newspapers, to actual printed newspapers. I make a cup of tea, sit at the table, take a sip, and read the printed word. If I have a copy of The New York Times, I usually read the real estate section first, if only to drool over photos of homes that I cannot afford … (more)

[Serena Williams, JOTWELL, 21 October 2022]

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