Arseny Shevelev and Georgy Shevelev, ‘Proprietary Status of the Whole Body of a Living Person’

This article is a reaction to the growing economic significance of the living human body as well as its legal status. In this paper, we argue that ownership in the human body most effectively guarantees the autonomy of the human will as to the use and disposal of one’s own body, but classical ownership theory is unable to fully ensure the autonomy of the human will, since it risks reviving the institution of slavery. We will demonstrate that theories establishing rights to the body other than ownership rights are limited in content and are inherently inconsistent. At the end of the article, we will propose an abstract ownership theory that allows for the exercise of maximum freedom to dispose of the human body while one is alive and which will be devoid of the flaws of the preceding theories.

Arseny Shevelev and Georgy Shevelev, Proprietary Status of the Whole Body of a Living Person, Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht (RabelsZ), volume 86 (2022) / issue 4, pp 976-997 (22). Published 11 October 2022.

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