Symposium on ‘Practical Reason and Private Law’ (American Journal of Jurisprudence)

Practical Reason and Private Law: Some Sketches (John Finnis)

Revising the Puzzle of Negligence: Transforming the Citizen towards Civic Maturity (Verónica Rodríguez-Blanco)

Public-Private Drift and the Shattering Polity (Marc O DeGirolami)

The Weakness of Relationality as a Unifying Concept in Tort (Timothy Borgerson)

Specifying Interpersonal Responsibilities in Private Law: Property Perspectives (Rachael Walsh)

Standing and Accountability (Linda Radzik)

NDAs: A Study in Rights, Wrongs, and Civil Recourse (Kimberly Kessler Ferzan)


The American Journal of Jurisprudence, Volume 68, Issue 2, October 2023

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