Zvi Triger, ‘For the Love of Contract’

“Martha Ertman’s new book, Love’s Promises: How Formal and Informal Contracts Shape All Kinds of Families, explores the role of contracts within the family. It shows that contracts shape today’s families and argues that family law should acknowledge that and recognize such contracts. This review essay addresses the dramatic paradigm shifts that have been occurring in contract law and family law in the last decades as a response to technological developments and to people’s resourcefulness, which enable them to reimagine the family and create new forms of families. It presents and analyzes those shifts within their historical and socio-legal contexts. Part II of this essay presents the book’s terminology, and its main arguments …” (more)

Zvi H Triger, ‘For the Love of Contract’, reviewing Martha M Ertman, Love’s Promises: How Formal and Informal Contracts Shape All Kinds of Families (Beacon Press 2015). 51 Tulsa Law Review 407 (2016).

First posted 2016-03-31 11:50:00

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