Wee Kiat Lee and Yao Cui, ‘Should Gig Platforms Decentralize Dispute Resolution?’

Online labor platforms provide freelancers the opportunity to work for clients on a project basis. However, like all projects, disputes can occur as a result of the platform users’ attempts to game the system or misunderstanding of objectives. Traditionally, the dispute would then have to be mediated by the platform’s dispute team, which is often viewed to be unhelpful or biased. However, there are emerging platforms that promise to resolve the dispute with a novel tribunal system and relegate dispute resolution to individual platform users through a voting mechanism. We are interested in examining the dispute resolution models used by both the traditional online platforms (ie, the centralized dispute system) and the emerging online platforms (ie, the decentralized dispute system). Our results suggest that the decentralized dispute system outperforms the centralized dispute system when the freelancers’ skill level is sufficiently high, and when the task is associated with a lower degree of quality uncertainty. Thus, gig platforms should consider switching to the decentralized dispute system only if they are able to attest to the freelancers’ skill level, and the decentralized dispute system can better cater to standardized tasks rather than creative tasks. Moreover, the decentralized dispute system can be more appealing to policy makers because it induces a more socially optimal quality level of the freelancer. In addition, we also find that the platform should set a much lower dispute fee when switching to the decentralized dispute system, and can further improve its revenue under the decentralized dispute system by charging dispute fees to both the freelancer and the client when the freelancers’ skill level is moderate.

Lee, Wee Kiat and Cui, Yao, Should Gig Platforms Decentralize Dispute Resolution? (October 27, 2020).

First posted 2020-11-23 05:10:40

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