Almost 25 years on from the original decision (and yet only four years on from the reconsideration of the SAAMCO principles in BPE Solicitors v Hughes-Holland (Hughes-Holland)), the Supreme Court once again took the opportunity to reconsider and ‘prune’ the scope of the defendant’s duty of care and the SAAMCO principles in the case of Manchester Building Society v Grant Thornton. On a practical level, the decision is likely to, and should, be welcomed by professionals and lawyers alike. The removal of the ‘advice’/‘information’ distinction and the reduced impact of the so-called ‘SAAMCO Cap’ should quieten the ‘murmurs of discontent’ which continued after Hughes-Holland …
€ (Westlaw)
Victoria Ball, ‘Pruning the hedges and the SAAMCO principles’ (2021) 37(4) Professional Negligence 181-186.
First posted 2022-01-04 10:00:41
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