‘UCTD applicable to other than employment contracts concluded between employees and employers – CJEU in Pouvin (C-590/17)’

“The CJEU supported today the AG Bobek’s opinion in the case Pouvin (C-590/17) that the notion of consumers and sellers from the Unfair Contract Terms Directive should be interpreted broadly. This means that also employees (and their spouses) who are acquiring a loan from their employers should be seen as consumers when these loans are meant to finance the purchase of a real estate for private purposes. Simultaneously, the employer in this situation would be seen as a seller within the meaning of the UCTD, as the loan contract would be provided within its professional activity, even if it not the employer’s main professional activity …” (more)

[Recent developments in European Consumer Law, 21 March]

First posted 2019-03-21 16:00:30

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