‘Three Deft Kicks to the Problem of Cyberbullying’

Ronen Perry, ‘Civil Liability for Cyberbullying’, 10 UC Irvine Law Review 1219 (2020). Torts-minded readers with an under-18 person or two they care about in their lives will appreciate Civil Liability for Cyberbullying (‘Cyberbullying’), published in June by the Israeli private law scholar Ronen Perry. They will find ample theory, doctrine, erudition, and intellectual loft too, but this paper is peopled. In both his article and a blog post he wrote about it Perry leads by remembering a person: Megan Meier, who at age 13 heeded a suggestion posted on MySpace in 2006 that she kill herself. From this opening Perry moves to spend most of his time on three groups whom the law could hold responsible for the harms of cyberbullying. First are young peer offenders (P 1226). Next come what Perry calls ‘real-life supervisors’ (P 1235): parents, teachers, school administrators. Last are ‘virtual supervisors, namely platforms that enable juvenile cyber-activity and cyber-wrongdoing’, for example Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube (P 1245). Perry has tort liability plans for all these groups … (more)

[Anita Bernstein, JOTWELL, 15 February]

First posted 2021-02-15 15:17:23

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