‘Thinking Big in Thinking Small: Are Tiny Homes the Solution to Our Housing Crisis?’

Lisa T Alexander, Community in Property: Lessons From Tiny Homes Villages, 104 Minnesota Law Review 385 (2019). Our nation’s housing situation gets worse by the day. Even before the pandemic, subprime lending, exclusionary zoning, and modern-day redlining forced millions of households into unstable, unsafe, or unaffordable living situations. Now, with the pandemic wiping away jobs, we appear to be on the verge of an unprecedented national housing crisis that will start when the evictions and mortgage relief end. We need creative solutions now more than ever. That’s why Lisa Alexander’s most recent law review article, ‘Community in Property: Lessons from Tiny Homes Villages’, is such a timely, significant contribution. Her work focuses on ‘tiny homes’, which she defines as being units of 400 square feet or less … (more)

[Sara Bronin, JOTWELL, 11 January]

First posted 2021-01-12 15:29:07

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