‘The Defamation Act and the Public Interest’

“On 17 and 18 November 2020 Inforrm published a two-part post on ‘Corporate Claimants in Libel Cases, Part 1’ and ‘Part 2’ by Guy Vassall-Adams QC, which is an erudite and helpful analysis of the relevant law. The purpose of this article is not to question that analysis, but rather to challenge Mr Vassall-Adams’ underlying assumption that a viable law of defamation as it applies to corporate entities trading for profit – especially large ones – is inherently undesirable unless ‘serious financial loss’ can be proved (as Section 1(2) of the Defamation Act 2013 now requires), which he acknowledges may well be difficult for large companies …” (part 1, part 2)

[Jonathan Coad, Inforrm’s Blog, 1-2 December]

First posted 2020-12-02 16:33:50

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