Special Issue of Law and Philosophy: Goldberg and Zipursky’s Recognizing Wrongs

Morality and Institutional Detail in the Law of Torts: Reflections on Goldberg’s and Zipursky’s Recognizing Wrongs (Tom Dougherty and Johann Frick)

The Circumstances of Civil Recourse (Rebecca Stone)

The Law of Negligence, Blameworthy Action and the Relationality Thesis: A Dilemma for Goldberg and Zipursky’s Civil Recourse Theory of Tort Law (Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco)

Are Tort Remedies ‘Civil Recourse’? (Stephen A Smith)

Redress and Reparations for Injurious Wrongs (Erin I Kelly)

Replies to Commentators (John CP Goldberg and Benjamin C Zipursky)


Law and Philosophy volume 41, issue 1, February 2022

First posted 2022-01-27 11:00:08

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