Special Issue of European Review of Contract Law on the ALI Restatement on Consumer Contract Law from a European Perspective

The American Law Institute’s Restatement of Consumer Contracts: Reporters’ Introduction (Oren Bar-Gill, Omri Ben-Shahar and Florencia Marotta-Wurgler)

Incorporation of Standard Contract Terms on Websites (Hans Schulte-Nölke)

Business First. A Comment on the Adoption of Standard Terms under the American Restatement of the Law Consumer Contracts from a European Union Perspective (Jacobien Rutgers)

A Modern Standard Contract Terms Law from Reasonable Assent to Enhanced Fairness Control (Stefan Grundmann)

Core versus Non-Core Terms and Legal Controls over Consumer Contract Terms: (Bad) Lessons from Europe? (Fernando Gómez Pomar)

European Unfairness and American Unconscionability: A Letter From a European Lawyer to American Friends (Anne-Lise Sibony)

Beyond Consumer Law – Small Enterprises, Independent Contractors and other Professional Weak Parties (Carlotta Rinaldo)

European Review of Contract Law Volume 15, Issue 2 (Jun 2019)

First posted 2019-06-13 06:36:42

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