Silink and Ryan, ‘Twenty years on from Lister v Hesley Hall Ltd – is there now a “Tailored Close Connection Test” for vicarious liability in cases of sexual abuse, or not?’

“This past year marks the twentieth anniversary of the decision of the House of Lords in Lister v Hesley Hall Ltd where the court first accepted that vicarious liability may be imposed upon an employer in respect of the sexual abuse of children by an employee. That was a case concerning the abuse of children in a boarding house by their warden between 1979 and 1982. Lister was a watershed in UK vicarious liability law, drawing heavily on ground-breaking developments at the time in the Supreme Court of Canada in Bazley v Curry in relation to the second part of the inquiry in any vicarious liability question which was focused on the wrongful act …”

€ (Westlaw)

Allison Silink and Desmond Ryan, ‘Twenty years on from Lister v Hesley Hall Ltd – is there now a “Tailored Close Connection Test” for vicarious liability in cases of sexual abuse, or not?’ (2022) 38(1) Professional Negligence 15-33.

First posted 2022-05-30 07:00:06

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