This blog went live on 3 September 2011, and since then there have been 5,878 published posts – 1,251 in the past year. In this past year there have been 98,638 page views, by 25,547 distinct visitors. There are currently 658 subscribers (who receive every new post) and 57 registered users (who receive posts in categories they have selected); also a significant number of the posts are picked up on RSS and other channels. The pages were viewed from:
- United Kingdom (22.93%)
- United States (19.94%)
- Australia (6.78%)
- Canada (3.88%)
- Ireland (3.45%)
- Germany (2.78%)
- Italy (2.45%)
- Singapore (2.22%)
- Netherlands (2.18%)
- Hong Kong (2.05%)
The most common cities were:
- London (7.16%)
- New York (3.38%)
- Dublin (2.41%)
- Sydney (1.99%)
- Melbourne (1.82%)
- Hong Kong (1.78%)
- Ashburn, Va (1.66%)
- Singapore (1.64%)
- Oxford (1.61%)
- Bristol (1.09%)
The most popular articles viewed over the year were:
- Martin Dixon, ‘Confining and Defining Proprietary Estoppel: The Role of Unconscionability’
- Maria Lee, ‘The Public Interest in Private Nuisance: Collectives and Communities in Tort’
- Brooke MacKenzie, ‘New Tort for “Revenge Porn”: Doe 464533 v ND as a Case Study in Judicial Law-Making’
- Desmond Ryan, ‘“Close Connection” and “Akin to Employment”: Perspectives On 50 Years Of Radical Developments In Vicarious Liability’
- Graham Virgo, ‘Patel v Mirza: one step forward and two steps back’
- ‘Towards a European Commercial Court?’
- Mark Pawlowski, ‘Is equity past the age of childbearing?’
- Simon Whittaker, ‘Distinctive features of the new consumer contract law’
- Graham Virgo, ‘Restitution and Unjust Enrichment in the Supreme Court: Reflections on Bank of Cyprus UK Ltd v Menelaou’
- Mark Giancaspro, ‘Is a “smart contract” really a smart idea? Insights from a legal perspective’
and the most popular videos:
- From Cashews to Nudges: The Evolution of Behavioral Economics
- Contract as Promise: A Theory of Contractual Obligation
- Lord Atkin
- The Method Behind the Madness (1): Explaining Law and Economics
- Contextualizing Contracts
- A European Contract Law: a cuckoo in the nest?
An innovation this year is that users now have the option of ‘registering’, which gives them the option of selecting which categories of new articles they will receive, rather than ‘subscribing’ to receive them all. This has unfortunately not been problem-free (the code acts oddly towards certain e-mail addresses), and some of the problems have caused significant delays. Security is also a constant source of issues and problems. Most such problems are now under control, though some have proved insoluble to date. Take-up of the new facility has been surprisingly slow, but seems to be steadily improving.
First posted 2018-09-03 06:04:29
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