‘Piercing the Corporate Veil: Historical, Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives’

“The concept of a company as a separate entity from its shareholders is well known and recognized in many common law and civil law jurisdictions. Generally, it is regarded as a fundamental aspect of corporate law and for this reason courts are loath to depart from it. Nevertheless, the principle of separate personality is not absolute and in both common law and civil law countries the courts have the power to depart from it. Where this occurs, it is often said that the courts ‘pierce’ or ‘lift’ the corporate veil. This will usually, but not inevitably, lead to liability being imposed on another person, perhaps in addition to the corporate vehicle …” (more)

Cheng Han Tan, JiangYu Wang and Christian Hofmann, Oxford Business Law Blog, 16 October.

First posted 2018-10-16 05:54:57

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