‘Out Now: Gömann on the Internal Conflict-of-Laws Regime of the GDPR’

“Since 2016, the European General Data Protection Regulation has been one of the most popular topics of discussion, academic and otherwise. While the PIL discussion has mostly focused on the unilateral conflicts rule in Article 3 of the Regulation, which defines its ‘external’ scope of application, some scholars – like Martina Mantovani on this blog – have pointed out that despite providing a unified regime that applies across the Union, the Regulation’s repeated deference of specific questions to the laws of the Member States still requires a certain degree of ‘internal’ coordination. On this aspect of the Regulation, Merlin Gömann has just published an impressive volume of over 800 pages (in German), offering what easily constitutes the most comprehensive treatment of the problem to date …” (more)

[Tobias Lutzi, Conflict of Laws .net, 17 July]

First posted 2021-07-19 17:00:59

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