Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a dynamic concept that has constantly evolved since its origin in nineteenth century and is changing with the turn of each decade. With the globalisation of markets in 1990s when CSR expanded from its age-old concept of philanthropy towards being juxtaposed and integrated with complimentary concepts such as business ethics (BE), corporate citizenship (CC), corporate social performance (CSP) and sustainability. 2000s saw reinforcement of CSR through its recognition and implementation as core business strategy. With increase in consumer awareness and societal expectation, CSR in 2010s emerged as means to achieve a shared value and innovation. With the start of 2020s with COVID-19, CSR has been leaning towards activities related to COVID-19 management and assistance. The author in this paper provides evolution of concept of CSR in the last three decades starting with the 1990s.
Srinivasamurthy, Mythili, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the Globalising World (June 11, 2021). Jurisperitus – The Law Journal [ISSN 2581-6349], volume 3 issue 3.
First posted 2021-06-16 10:15:59
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