Jooho Lee, ‘Contracts and Hierarchies: A Moral Examination of Economic Theories of the Firm’

An influential set of economic theories argue that the firm is a nexus of contracts that institute a hierarchy to overcome the problems of incomplete contracting in the market. However, the economic theory of the firm as a hierarchy violates the moral requirement to respect the autonomy of those who contract into the firm. The internal logic of the theory depends on a morally unacceptable abdication of a part of the employee’s capacity to set her own ends in the future. So a different theory is needed to understand the nature and purpose of the firm. The development of such a theory can benefit from business ethicists engaging with existing economic theories of the firm to explore concepts like contracts, agency, and property.

Lee, Jooho, Contracts and Hierarchies: A Moral Examination of Economic Theories of the Firm (December 1, 2017). Business Ethics Quarterly (forthcoming).

First posted 2017-12-07 06:49:19

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