‘Hohfeld and Property’

Christopher M Newman, Hohfeld and the Theory of In Rem Rights: An Attempted Mediation in The Legacy of Wesley Hohfeld (forthcoming 2018), available at SSRN. Rights come in different types, and the failure to distinguish among them can lead one into errors. So argued Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld, who – in two articles published in the Yale Law Journal in 1913 and 1917 – offered a highly influential categorization of rights by type. This marvelous collection of essays, edited by Shyam Balganesh, Ted Sichelman and Henry Smith, assesses the Hohfeldian legacy. I’ll largely focus on Christopher Newman’s contribution, which I found particularly helpful. Some property scholars have criticized Hohfeld’s approach as unable to account for the distinctive character of property rights. Newman argues, I think rightly, that the two are compatible … (more)

[Michael Green, JOTWELL, 27 June]

First posted 2018-06-27 12:16:11

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