“Since the early 1990s, there has been rough gender parity in terms of attendance at law school and entry into the top law firms. But what happens afterwards? What is the gender gap, if any, in progress toward leadership roles? The research on law firms thus far has largely focused on the achievement of partnership status. We know from that research that there is significant attrition between entry into the firms and the attainment of partner status – with women making up only 20-25% of the equity partners. Achieving partnership though is like making it into the main draw at Wimbledon. It requires enormous effort and is an accomplishment in itself. However, it is but the entry ticket to the real tournament, to working with the most important clients in a leadership position …” (more)
[Tracey E George, Albert Yoon and Mitu Gulati, Oxford Business Law Blog, 7 February]
First posted 2022-02-07 19:00:03
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