Foundations Of Public Contracts: A Comparative View (Edward Elgar 2022), by José Guilherme Giacomuzzi’

“Public contracts have been rarely subjected to comparative legal research. Foundations of Public Contracts: A Comparative View is a contribution to start filling this gap by studying US, French, and Brazilian laws. The choice of these three legal systems is not casual. Comparative law, being essentially dialectical, develops by antagonisms. Among the influential Western liberal legal systems, the two that differ most sharply are the American one and the French one. Brazil is perhaps the Western country that most reflects the opposing Anglo-American and French legal systems. This move only enriches the delicate topic of ‘legal transplants’, which has fascinated comparatists for decades …” (more)

[José Guilherme Giacomuzzi, BACL, 6 July]

First posted 2022-07-06 08:00:13

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