Fluet and Mungan, ‘The Signal-Tuning Function of Liability Regimes’

Fault-based liability regimes require an inquiry into the nature of the defendant’s conduct, whereas this type of inquiry is absent in strict liability regimes. Therefore, verdicts reached through fault-based liability regimes can convey superior information compared to verdicts reached through strict liability regimes. Further reflection reveals that this advantage is enjoyed by fault-based liability regimes only if the evidence related to the nature of defendants’ actions is sufficiently informative. Otherwise, admitting such evidence can add noise to the information conveyed through verdicts. Therefore, liability regimes have a function of tuning signals conveyed on to third parties, which, in turn, causes deterrence effects by affecting the informal sanctions imposed on defendants who are found liable. We construct a model wherein this function is formalized, and we identify the optimal liability regime and burden of proof as a function of various factors (eg the commonality of the harmful act, and the informativeness of the evidence).

Fluet, Claude and Mungan, Murat C, The Signal-Tuning Function of Liability Regimes (August 28, 2017).

First posted 2017-09-02 08:57:21

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