Early Career Workshop: Sheffield Institute for Corporate and Commercial Law, Bartolomé House, 16 October 2019, 13:00-18:30

Sheffield Institute for Corporate and Commercial Law is organising an early career workshop presenting three papers by centre members, followed each by external discussants. All welcome, attendance is free.

13:00 Welcome

13:10-14:40 Ms Katherine Cousins ‘The commercial interest in the reintroduction of the income tax’. Chair: Professor Sarah Blandy; academic discussant: Professor Jane Frecknall-Hughes (Nottingham University); stakeholder discussant: Mr Ray McCann (Immediate Past President of the Chartered Institute of Taxation and a partner in Joseph Hage Aaronson).

15:00-16:30 Dr Navajyoti Samanta: ‘A united theory of corporate governance impact’. Chair: Dr Ding Chen; academic discussant: Professor Marc Moore (UCL); stakeholder discussant: Mr Roger Barker (Head of Corporate Governance at the Institute of Directors).

16:50–18:20 Mr Joe Atkinson ‘Human Rights and the Personal Scope of Labour Law’. Chair: Ms Zoe Ollerenshaw; academic discussant: Professor Hugh Collins (London School of Economics); stakeholder discussant: Ms Karon Monaghan QC (Matrix Chambers).

18:20-18:30 Concluding comments: Professor Tsachi Keren-Paz.

First posted 2019-07-24 13:48:04

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