We are pleased to announce a call for papers for the Second Conference of the Commercial Law series co-organised by UCL, City University of Hong Kong, Notre Dame Law School and NUS EW Barker Centre for Law and Business. The First, which was on ‘Intermediaries in Commercial Law’ in June 2021, has had its papers co-edited by Paul Davies and Tan Cheng Han SC and will be published by Hart Publishing in the Fall of 2022.
The Conferences on Commercial Law is a series of biennial conferences on developments in the field. For the Second Conference, the focus will be on topics exploring the problems with fraud and risk in commercial law. Possible topics include but are not limited to: (i) Technology and Fraud, (ii) Secondary liability and ‘failure to prevent’ economic crimes, (iii) Abuse of business entities, (iv) Insolvency and creditor protection, (v) Injunctions and other orders, (vi) Cross-border issues, (vii) Relationship between regulation and private law, and (viii) The solutions policy-makers can use to address fraud and risk in commercial law – for instance, whether through – mandatory rules as opposed to disclosure, or rules as opposed to standards.
Please send abstracts (no more than 500 words) to Paul Davies (paul.s.davies@ucl.ac.uk) and Hans Tjio (lawtjioh@nus.edu.sg) by 1 July 2022. Speakers will be asked to submit fully written draft papers by 23 May 2023 for distribution to conference participants via a password-protected website. Submissions should be approximately 10,000 words, inclusive of footnotes. It is expected that selected papers will be published in an edited collection following the conference.
Circumstances permitting, all accepted papers will be presented at a workshop at the National University of Singapore on 16 and 17 June, 2023. NUS will fully cover the expense of contributors’ travel and accommodation.
First posted 2022-05-24 06:31:58
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