Call for Papers: Data-Driven Personalisation in Markets, Politics and Law: Southampton Law School, 28 June 2019

We will be holding a workshop on the topic of ‘Data-Driven Personalisation in Markets, Politics and Law’ on Friday 28 June 2019 at Southampton Law School. This is an important emerging area of law that goes well beyond data protection law, raising questions for criminal law, consumer protection, competition and IP law, tort law, administrative law, human rights and anti-discrimination law, law and economics as well as legal and constitutional theory, as well as for many social science and science inquiries. To give the workshop focus and structure, this position paper provides a snap-shot of what we think about the topic or how we would frame it: . We would like to hear your thoughts! Should you be interested in disagreeing, elaborating, confirming, contradicting, dismissing or just reflecting on anything in the paper and present those ideas at the workshop, send us an abstract by Friday 5 April 2019. We aim to publish an edited popular law/social science book with the most compelling contributions after the workshop.

First posted 2019-02-16 10:17:50

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