The Report gives an in depth analysis of implementation of EU Directives on consumer protection into six countries of South East Europe. In the Part 1, the team presents an overview of the legislative techniques of each participating state which has been prepared by the respective national reporter. The Part 2 demonstrates the transposition of the individual directives in the six countries. Due to lack of space it has unfortunately not been possible to publish the corresponding national reports. Instead, this publication contains a comparative analysis on the four directives which is, however, based on the national reports and can be considered as their synthesis. This approach has the great advantage that the reader has at his disposal a comparative survey which clearly shows the similarities and differences in the way the four directives have been transposed in the participating states. It has also enabled the national reporters to work not only on their domestic law, but on five other legal orders as well.
Čadjenović, Zvezdan and Miscenic, Emilia and Dabović-Anastasovska, Jadranka and Dollani, Nada and Gavrilović, Nenad and Mirić, Marija Karanikić and Meškić, Zlatan and Zdraveva, Neda, EU Consumer Contract Law (March 1, 2010). Civil Law Forum for South East Europe-Collection of studies and analyses, Beograd, Zagreb, Jugoslovenski pregled, Denona doo, Vol 3, 2010, pp 407-741.
First posted 2018-03-17 07:21:12
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