“The matter of how the EU addresses the issue of AI authorship requires an analysis of EU Law and of the requirement for an author to be human. If the human author requirement persists in EU law, works created utilizing AI may fall into the public domain. An example of what current AI is capable of is the Dall-E system from OpenAI. In their paper on the development of the technology, Ramesh et al note how ‘[w]hen given the caption “a tapir made of accordion …” … The model appears to draw a tapir with an accordion for a body, or an accordion whose keyboard or bass are in the shape of a tapir’s trunk or legs’. The authors go on to surmise that this ‘suggests that it has developed a rudimentary ability to compose unusual concepts at high levels of abstraction’ …” (more)
Barry Scannell, ‘When Irish AIs are smiling: could Ireland’s legislative approach be a model for resolving AI authorship for EU member states?’, Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, https://doi.org/10.1093/jiplp/jpac068. Published 23 July.
First posted 2022-07-25 08:30:54
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