‘Ordinary meaning’ is a notoriously undefined concept in statutory interpretation theory. Courts and scholars sometimes describe ordinary meaning as the meaning that a ‘reasonable reader’ would ascribe to the statutory language at issue, but it remains unclear how judges and lawyers should go about identifying such meaning. Over the past few decades, as textualism has come to dominate statutory interpretation, courts increasingly have employed dictionary definitions as (purportedly) neutral, and sometimes dispositive, evidence of ordinary meaning. And in the past few years especially, some judges and scholars have advocated using corpus linguistics – patterns of usage across various English-language sources – as an objective guide to the ordinary meaning of statutory words and phrases. Professor Kevin Tobia’s illuminating article Testing Ordinary Meaning seeks to test empirically how accurately these two interpretive aids – dictionary definitions and corpus linguistics – reflect ordinary meaning …
Anita S Krishnakumar, MetaRules for Ordinary Meaning (responding to Kevin P Tobia, ‘Testing Ordinary Meaning’) 134 Harvard Law Review Forum 167 (January 20, 2021).
First posted 2021-01-19 17:35:45
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