Andrew Gold, Review of Stephen Smith, Rights, Wrongs, and Injustices: The Structure of Remedial Law

Rights, Wrongs, and Injustices: The Structure of Remedial Law. By Stephen A Smith. [Oxford University Press, 2019. xxi + 337 pp. Hardback £80. ISBN 978-0-19-922977-2.] Stephen Smith’s new book, Rights, Wrongs, and Injustices, is filled with deep insights into the workings of private law. It is brilliant, and I believe it will become a classic in its field. The book begins with a fundamental question: what is a remedy? It then proceeds to several related questions. Why does the law provide remedies? On what grounds are remedies issued? And, what kinds of remedies are available? The answers will sometimes prove controversial, but they are also compelling … (more)

Rights, Wrongs, and Injustices: The Structure of Remedial Law. By Stephen A. Smith. [Oxford University Press, 2019. xxi + 337 pp. Hardback £80. ISBN 978-0-19-922977-2.]’, Cambridge Law Journal, volume 79 issue 3 (November 2020). Published online by Cambridge University Press: 7 December 2020.

First posted 2020-12-08 13:35:31

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