Tania Rice, ‘Letting the Apes Run the Zoo: Using Tort Law to Provide Animals with a Legal Voice’

Science is increasingly showing us that animals have many cognitive similarities with humans. In addition to calls for changes in our animal protection statutes, members of the legal community have begun debating over whether animals, or a certain category of animals, should be granted legal rights. This approach has the potential for drastic societal ramifications. David S Favre has proposed a tort action for animals as a compromise to the animal rights debate. This Comment explores the different approaches to seeking improved conditions for animals, and proposes an adjusted tort cause of action in response to criticisms of Favre’s tort.

Tania Rice, Letting the Apes Run the Zoo: Using Tort Law to Provide Animals with a Legal Voice. 40 Pepperdine Law Review 4 (2013) .

First posted 2013-06-21 12:22:36

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