Ricketson and Ginsburg, ‘Intellectual Property in News? Why Not?’

This Chapter addresses arguments for and against property rights in news, from the outset of national law efforts to safeguard the efforts of newsgathers, through the various unsuccessful attempts during the early part of the last century to fashion some form of international protection within the Berne Convention on literary and artistic works and the Paris Convention on industrial property. The Chapter next turns to contemporary endeavors to protect newsgatherers against ‘news aggregation’ by online platforms. It considers the extent to which the aggregated content might be copyrightable, and whether, even if the content is protected, various exceptions set out in the Berne Convention permit its unlicensed appropriation.

Ricketson, Sam and Ginsburg, Jane C, Intellectual Property in News? Why Not? (May 2, 2016). Sam Ricketson and Megan Richardson, eds, Research Handbook on Intellectual Property in Media and Entertainment (forthcoming, Edward Elgar 2016); U of Melbourne Legal Studies Research Paper, forthcoming; Columbia Public Law Research Paper No 14-511.

First posted 2016-05-03 06:27:28

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