This response to a keynote speech by Judge Margaret McKeown explores some dimensions of copyright in addition to its dominant function as a set of market-facilitating exclusive rights. The recent possible trend towards protecting privacy and other non-commercial concerns via copyright law is not necessarily inconsistent with its historical usages, does not necessarily threaten freedom of expression and may further important privacy policies. The balance of these competing policies is shifting, especially in an environment of proliferating digital content where cyber civil rights may need further development in response to cyberbullying. It examines the specific case of non-consensual pornography as a means of exploring possible doctrinal and policy directions. Ultimately it endorses a less formalistic and more flexible use of copyright to address harms currently under-recognized by our existing legal frameworks.
Chon, Margaret, Copyright’s Other Functions (June 3, 2016). Chicago-Kent Journal of Intellectual Property, Vol 15 (2016); Seattle University School of Law Research Paper No 16-14.
First posted 2016-06-17 11:48:39
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