“… My thesis for the purposes of this talk, in a nutshell, is that almost all aspects of the law of torts are grounded on policy, and that any attempt to identify or distill principles will normally be fraught with problems. Ultimately, this is, I think, because tort law reflects most aspects of human life which is, as the 18th century English poet and visionary William Blake pointed out, ‘infinitely various’; consequently no set of principles can satisfactorily cover every situation in which a claim in tort, even in a particular tort, is brought …” (more)
‘Some Thoughts on Principles Governing the Law of Torts’, Singapore Conference on Protecting Business and Economic Interests: Contemporary Issues in Tort Law, Distinguished Guest Speaker Lecture, Lord Neuberger, 19 August 2016.
First posted 2016-09-02 15:12:45
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